Wednesday 21 October 2015

How to start a blog

How to start a blog

I went to go see a therapist yesterday, that was an interesting experience. I actually learnt a few things about myself. 
First of all I like to talk about myself. A lot. As long as you are asking the right questions you can get me to say almost anything. Which is strange because people worry about the fact that I don't share enough. Maybe they are not asking the right question.
 I like to talk. most of the time it's just that I have not been given the opportunity to talk. "Does that make sense, of course it does"

Any way. 

I did not know what to expect. My only knowledge of therapy comes from TV shows and Movies. Therefore prior to entering the room, I imagined what I though the room would look like.

My Ideal therapy room Vs what I actually experienced

  1. A long couch that I as the client would lie on ( The room had too chairs facing each other. It felt like an interview)
  2. Framed academic achievements of the therapist (I don't actually remember anything on her walls. One of the walls was made of glass)
  3. Light music praying in the background (There was music in the waiting room, which was actually really annoying. I was happy to not have it in the actual therapy room)
  4. Tissues (She had those. The were soft but not very absorbent)
  5. A bin for tissue (She did not have a bin in sight!, I had to carry a pockets full of used tissues.)
  6. A bookshelf full of books (There were a lot of closed drawers. It was very mysterious)
  7. A rug on the floor between the therapist and the client (There was a table between us. Kinda made the whole experience feel distant)
  8. A jug of water with disposable cups  ( there was no water)

I also took part in a leadership program. It is definitely not what I expected. I like this image below tho.

You just do it.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

How to start a Blog

How to start a Blog



First of all I am not really sure if I can use the picture above. Maybe I might get in trouble for copyright issues. Maybe Google will take it down. Maybe it will be okay. If you can not see the image I am referring to then it is definitely gone.

Lets Begin.

I will treat this like a diary. When I was younger I never really got into the hype of writing diary's, To me the whole process just felt like a chore. "Although the idea of writing down my thoughts seems very interesting, only because I can come back to them later and see what was going through my mind at that period in time"
I really enjoy typing and saying what is on my mind so why not start a blog. For me. If you are not me then you probably should not be reading this because it is not for you. Plus most of it will probably be grammatically incorrect. English was never my strongest subject, My teacher would always stress that 'there is no right or wrong answer' , then why did I not get an A.  "I should probably put this on private, but I don't know how to".

So far so good.  *inserts another copyrighted image* Shout out to 'Gemma Correll' one time for this image.

I have to my laptop into University so I can work on it, the only problem is that it is so heavy it is slowly breaking my back. My mother suggested I purchase a backpack with wheels.
Reasons I have not purchased a backpack with wheels
*I would ridiculous with it
*It's probably expensive "I don't know to be honest because I haven't checked"
*I have seen people dragging those things around and they just seem impractical
( I just realised there is an option to insert bullet point, Oh well)

That is all I have to say. MMM.

I might do this every morning. That is probably a LIE.

You just do it 

K Bye